Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

Everything you need to know about the product.
Cant find an answer? Please chat to out friendly team

water unit image
Is it Covid Safe?

YES, this is a complete closed system, no person can touch the water after it has been processed or where the water is stored in the unit.

Is it Economical/Green?

YES, because the Pure Water is produced at your location there is no vehicle emissions from deliveries, the water is not stored in plastic bottles for long periods of time and no plastic bottles need to be reproduced. It takes one litre of oil and three litres of water to produce one plastic bottle

How does it work?

Refer to our detailed Specifications page.

Does it have filters?

No, and No membranes. The Rainpure RM30 cleans itself and flushes the waste “water” (usually under the sink)

How do I know the water quality will always be at its highest?

The Rainpure RM30’s water quality is always monitored, if the water quality drops below a per set level, it turns itself off and the LED screen flashes Purity Alarm. call us, and we will replace the Machine, generally in within 48 hrs.

Can it be completely plumbed in?

Yes, feed water and waste water, and it is highly recommended.

Does it have to be plumbed in?

No, but it is preferred.

How do you know when to refill or Empty?

The Rainpure will ask refill water or take waste water away. If the unit is not plumbed in.

What water can be used?

Any! Sea, Dam, Bore or Tap

Has salt, bore etc water been tested?

Yes, we have had all tests done from different locations on different types of water

How much Does it cost?

12 cents per litre - Contact us for sales enquiries. CONTACT

Does it have to go in the kitchen?

NO! Anywhere so long as it is in a room or factory etc

How often does it produce pure water?

As often as required, up to 30L per day.

Does it need servicing?

Around 2 years in most cases, we will come to you and replace the unit with another rental, free of charge so you will only be without the use of the unit for 1 hour

How Hot and how cold can the water temp. be set?

Hot water up to 98 degrees and Cold 5 deg +

Is it Certified?

Yes! In most countries around the world.

Who has them?

Governments, Hospitals, Clinics, Businesses, Offices, Clinics.

Where are they made?

Originally Designed, developed and made in Australia, now made globally

How much water is produced?

3O litres per day.

Why haven't I heard of them before?

We’re not at the top of Google

Is it appropriate for health conditions?

Perfect in these situations, including IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and people suffering from kidney stones etc.

How soon would I have one once ordered?

One to two weeks, earlier if urgent.

What are the measurements of the Rainpure?

(H) 1500mm (W) 340mm (D) 400mm a space is required around the unit for air flow